jeudi 30 juin 2011

'Hell Hath No Fury......'

Been a while huh... Well, you have to know that it isn't easy for me to write you know... not that i do not have the talent or inspiration, it's just that it comes at the most unexpected moments, am always caught unaware, and by the time i wanna write it down... it has sneaked out... *sigh*

Anyway... i have an issue i want to talk about, it's addressing men, concerning women.
Most men have been complaining about how hard it is to read a woman and understand her and all that (don't get too excited am not going to give you guidelines as to how to go about understanding us, No Way, LoL) this is just an advice, for men in general, whether you are in a relationship or not. It's about when a woman comes to you, complaining about a misunderstanding she had with a friend or another woman... She'll come to you to explain the situation, (usually she'll explain in her own way,so you can take her side) and then she'll go on and on about how right she is and how wrong the other woman is and YOU will be in a situation where you want to give your own opinion...

ah Men Men Men... When a woman is in such a mood, and she's angry, for your own good, don't take the other woman's side, even if she is right in that situation, you are only going to get Devilish looks from your woman, followed by many other things... 

The best thing to do here is to keep quiet, just listen to her, and nod, you can also try to calm her down, make her feel relaxed... later on, you can decide to talk to her and tell her that she wasn't right (that is if she really was at fault !!!), BUT only when she has calmed down, you do not want her to turn her wrath on you ! 'Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned' ! She may listen, she may not, but you have greater chances of her listening to you when she has calmed down, than when she is still boiling, so be wise !

well, Men, heed this little piece of advice ;)

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